Preliminary list
- Pulmonary valve implantation (PPVI)
- ASD closure
- Sinus venosus ASD closure
- Coronary fistulas
- Vascular access in children
- Closure of congenital and acquired VSDs
- Pulmonary artery stenting
- Coarctation and aortic arch obstructions
- RVOT stenting
- PDA stenting
- Pulmonary vein stenosis
- Fontan circulation interventions
- Fetal interventions
- PDA closure from premature babies to octogenarians
- Lymphatic interventions
- Paravalvular leak closure
- Tricuspid valve interventions
- Mitral valve interventions
- LAA closure
- PFO closure
- Device therapies for heart failure
- Structural electrophysiology
- Innovation and device development
- Electrosurgery
- Artificial intelligence
- Pulmonary artery embolectomy
- Limitations of equipment and off-label use of devices (NEW!)
- Legislations and restrictions - how to survive the aftermaths of MDR (NEW!)
- TAVI, clips and other "adult interventions" in congenital heart disease (NEW!)
- CSI road to the top (NEW!)
- Nursing session (NEW!)

Quick Links
PDA closure
Live case
PDA closure in premature babies debate: best place for the procedure
- Cath Lab
- Bedside
How to prevent stenosis of LPA and aorta
PDA closure in infants and children: matching the device to the anatomy
PDA closure in adults
Complications of PDA closures
PDAs I would not close
PDA stenting
Pre-procedural imaging - what is needed to make the right decisions prior to the intervention
When is surgical approach better than catheter approach
Which stents are best for systemic circulation
Which stents are best for pulmonary circulation
How to avoid and manage complications?
My one best and one worst case
- Systemic circulation
- Pulmonary circulation
Recorded case
Coarctation and aortic arch obstructions
Debate: coarctation or re-coarctation below 10kg
- Balloon dilation or stenting
- Surgery
Stenting CoA below 2kg: bridging to surgery
Dealing with challenges of aortic atresia
Panel discussion: Treating aortic arch hypoplasia: surgery vs percutaneous
Mid-aortic syndrome: when and how to treat
- Surgery
- Intervention
Live case
Device based heart failure treatment in children
AFR uses in Heart Failure and CHD
Recorded case AFR
Percutaneous options for LV support
Percutaneous options for RV support
Percutaneous veno-arterial and veno-venous ECMO
Artificial heart
Coronary fistulas
Live case
Role of CT angiography: preprocedural planning
Matching device to morphology
Case examples
- My most challenging case
- My nightmare case
- Fistula I will not close
- Post closure pharmacological treatment: how I do it?
- Intermediate to long-term outcome: unravelling the “unnatural” history
Pulmonary vein stenosis
Diagnosis and natural history in neonates and children
Medical treatment
Evolving surgical management
How to set up an interventional program
How to do transcatheter interventions
Patient population and outcome after surgery or intervention from a national database in UK
Bioresorbable stents
Pulmonary vein stenosis in adults: how often is it a problem and how to deal with it?
RVOT stenting
Planning for RVOT stenting with emphasis on imaging
Is covered stent a better option?
What do I hate about repairing stented RVOT?
Reintervention in RVOT stent when unsuitable for repair
Attempts at risk stratification for interventions in CHD
Cases where RVOT stenting has gone wrong
- Stent migration
- Coronary compression
- RVOT perforation
Recorded case
Minimally invasive treatment for HOCM
Live case
Classification of severity in HOCM patients and long-term outcomes
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: an updated review on diagnosis, and treatment
Role of TEER in SAM
Current state of the roles of alcohol septal ablation in the treatment of hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
Transcatheter septal ablation in hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy: a technical guide
Surgical myectomy: present and future
Recorded case: transapical beating heart septal myectomy
Recorded case: Liwen RFTM Ablation
Pulmonary artery stenting
Stent options in newborns as bail out after surgery
Stent techniques in bifurcation stenosis: kissing stents, Y-stenting and more
Complex anatomy: how to prevent adjacent structural damage
PA stenting in Williams and Alagille syndromes: any hemodynamic benefits?
Dealing with multiple bilateral PA branch stenosis – aggressively or step-wise
Recanalization of occluded LPA / RPA: tips and tricks
Isolated LPA stenosis: significance and indications for treatment
PA stenting: when things go wrong
Adult congenital heart disease: complex cases and late presenters
The increasing burden of congenital heart disease in the adult population
Interventions in late presenters with congenital heart diseases
- Untreated congenital heart disease
- Previously treated congenital heart disease
The changing role of surgery in ACHD
Arrhythmias in untreated and surgically treated congenital heart disease
Case examples
- Stenting of stenosed pulmonary venous pathway after Senning operation
- Dealing with hemoptysis from MAPCAs
- Late closure of ASD
Hemodynamics for interventionists
Hemodynamic assessment in the cath lab
How to perform exercise catheterization?
Pulmonary vascular resistance assessment: cath, MRI or gut feeling?
Non-invasive determinants of timing of mitral and tricuspid interventions
Managing Fontan fenestrations- is the AFR the solution?
Managed transeptal flow in PH and LV diastolic dysfunction. Are fenestrated devices the answer?
Value and limitations of oxygen consumption measurements
MRI techniques for flow assessment
Vortex formation and flow dynamics in the field of structural and valvular heart disease
Challenging cases:
- Closing an ASD in a patient with pulmonary hypertension
- Closing an ASD with left ventricular dysfunction
- Closing a PDA in a patient with pulmonary hypertension
Interventions and support in the critically ill child
Acute thromboembolism:
- Acute thromboembolism in the newborn - Case example and overview
- Acute thromboembolism in the newborn - Percutaneous options
- Acute AP-shunt occlusion – tips and tricks
- Acute pulmonary saddle embolism - size matters
ECLS at the cathlab
- ECLS for rescue during cath in children
- Cath under ECMO in children
- ECMO options in children
Pericardial tamponade
- In the newborn
- If things go wrong
Fontan circulation interventions
Interventional cavo-pulmonary connection
Interventional Fontan completion
Mechanisms of failing
PA hypoplasia/stenosis in Fontan patients – Evaluation and treatment
Preventive interventions to avoid failing
Interventional take-down
My worst complication during Fontan intervention
Recorded case
Heart and brain session
Neurocardiology: why do we need to collaborate?
Understanding brain bleeding risk from neuroimaging
The role of the heart-brain team for left atrial appendage closure
Cardiac imaging for brain-heart teams
Detecting PFO and deciding about its closure: A team approach
Carotid stenosis: stenting for symptomatic and asymptomatic patients
How to build a heart–brain team: neuro-AFib as an implementation study
Update on the Clearance trial
Fetal interventions
Fetal aortic valvuloplasty: how to define a successful intervention?
Case examples: fetal aortic valvuloplasty
- The Paris case: 20-22 weeks gestation with impaired LV
- The Toronto case: 26-28 weeks gestation with evolving HLH
- The Linz case: 30-32 weeks gestation with hydrops
- The San Francisco case: complication(s)
Stenting the atrial septum in the fetus: old and new indications
Recorded case
How to deal with complex VSDs
Live case transmission
What is a complex VSD:
- Anatomical considerations
- Imaging considerations
- VSD in low-weight infants
- Large VSD
I don’t want to close this VSD, you should do it!
- Surgeon
- Interventionist
When do we need to go hybrid
How to deal with complications
My most challenging VSD closure
Artificial intelligence in heart disease interventions
Introduction: AI in health care
Speech analysis algorithm to predict HF earlier than clinical signs
How to use artificial intelligence to analyse the data we get from wearable devices
ChatGPT takes on the European exam in core cardiology
AI enhanced ECG interpretation for quicker diagnosis
AI in remote ECG monitoring improves arrhythmia detection
AI image guided intervention systems to reduce radiation dose
How can AI help to improve the image quality of TTE
How can AI help to improve the image quality of TEE
Safety concerns related to artificial intelligence in health care
- Legal and regulatory aspects
- Technical aspects
Preventing coronary obstruction during TAVI: snorkel stenting and BASILICA - what does the data say?
I drowned snorkeling - A case gone bad and when I now discourage it
Cut your losses - A BASILICA gone bad and when I now turn it down
Preventing LVOT obstruction during TMVR: septal reduction and LAMPOON- what does the data say?
LAMPOON to prevent LVOT obstruction; let me walk you through two cases (one VIV, one VIR)
How I keep my interventionalist out of trouble during LAMPOON and BASILICA
Dedicated devices for leaflet laceration - Shortcut and TELLTALE
The promise of leaflet excision; SITRIL, Surplus and novel transcatheter approaches
Preventing LVOT obstruction during TMVR; the new kids on the block (Scorpion, LiwenRF, SESAME)
Resetting the clock: ELASTACLIP and beyond to facilitate TMVR after failed TEER
Ask the experts - round table discussion on leaflet and septal modification from technical aspects to tips and tricks
Lymphatic interventions
Morphology and function of lymphatics: back to basics
Genetics of lymphatic dysplasia: an underutilized tool for targeted treatment
My imaging toolkit in approaching lymphatic disorders
Protein-losing enteropathy: is there a role for lymphatic interventions?
Lymphatic treatment options in plastic bronchitis and chylothorax. Should we be doing more?
Lymphatic treatment options in ascites: a multicompartment problem
Late results of “Hraska – Azygos-venous turndown or lymphatic decompression”
Recorded case – Protein-losing enteropathy
Renal denervation
Review of randomized clinical trial data of renal denervation for hypertension
Renal denervation for ventricular arrhythmias and atrial fibrillation
Renal denervation: Predictors of response and patient selection
Step-by-step and tips and tricks: Spyral
Step-by-step and tips and tricks: Recor
Step-by-step and tips and tricks: Peregrine alcohol denervation
Intraprocedural mapping for renal denervation
What work-up should a patient have prior to renal denervation?
Antithrombotic use after LAA closure
Are newer devices making antithrombotic therapy redundant?
Which antithrombotic(s) to use for LAAC based on neurological indications
Post-implant antithrombotic(s) after gastrointestinal bleed
Which antithrombotic(s) and for how long for device related thrombus and peri-device leaks?
What to do in case of an embolic event?
How to deal with major hemorrhage during or after the implant?
Anticoagulation after device thrombus and leaks
Pulmonary artery embolism
Pulmonary embolism - Why is this important to cardiologists?
Who are the candidates for catheter based pulmonary embolectomy?
Device parade for catheter-based treatment of pulmonary embolism
Pulmonary artery hypertension
Chronic thromboembolic PH
- Clinical and imaging classification, and the role of medical therapy
- Technique and results of balloon angioplasty – Case based from easy peasy to very difficult
- What is the role of surgery - Techniques and data
- Pulmonary artery denervation for pulmonary arterial hypertension - Devices, techniques, and data
- Interatrial shunting
Vascular access in children
Ultrasound guided femoral punctures: step by step
Trans-carotid approach
- Surgical cut down preferred
- Percutaneous approach preferred
Axillary artery approach: scope and limitations
Trans-hepatic access: access and closure: step by step
Compressing the groin: preventing and treating arterial thrombosis
Hybrid access to the heart
Accessing the atrium in the patient with a Fontan circulation