Welcome to CSI Focus LAA
Stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation
CSI Focus LAA is a leading conference on stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation.
Our program provides a comprehensive overview of LAA closure, including imaging, transseptal and pericardial access, step-by-step cases, management of complications, live cases, and an overview of the most commonly used as well as of new and upcoming devices for LAA closure. We will also discuss atrial fibrillation ablation strategies like pulmonary vein ablation before, after or at the same time as LAA closure. Recent data suggests that ablation of the left atrial appendage may lead to increased success rate of AF ablation and there are new devices which combine LAA ablation and LAA closure.
Of course the program will include opportunities for you to improve your practice in valuable hands-on sessions and simulation training and as ever, live cases will be a key part of the learning experience.
Join the discussion at CSI Focus LAA 2024 with leading experts in the field from all over the world.
Horst Sievert
on behalf of the course directors