Echo Courses Workshop


A practical workshop that provides the participants with firsthand knowledge of the colour-Doppler-echocardiography for interventional cardiac procedures in congenital heart disease. The workshop is being conducted by highly trained industry professionals at two levels: basic and advanced.

Basic Echo Course (TTE) 

Hands-on in a normal heart & simple lesions.

Objective: The main aim of the hands-on beginners echocardiography course is to learn to perform a thorough echocardiography study of the normal heart.

Advanced Echo Course (TTE) 

Hands-on in complex lesions and ASD & VSD & PDA & PS prior to intervention.

Objective: The main aim of the hands-on advanced echocardiography course is to understand the specific needs of the interventional cardiologist as well as to perform a thorough intervention-focused transthoracic colour-Doppler-echocardiography. Therefore, the course addresses both the echocardiographer and interventionalist. The three different congenital abnormalities: PDA, ASD II, (peri membranous and muscular) VSD and coarctation will be echoed hands-on in small groups. Children with these cardiac defects and their parents are volunteering to make this unique hands-on training possible.


Training workshops for transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) and transcatheter pulmonary valve replacement (TPVR)

Supported by Venus Medtech




  • introduction of tetralogy of Fallot and transcatheter pulmonary valve replacement.
  • introduction of Venus P-Valve and CE clinical trial results
  • patient selection and screening
  • procedure steps for TPVR with Venus P-Valve
  • Venus P-Valve case sharing and discussion




  • introduction and overview of TAVR
  • introduction of Venus A-Valve and 5 year clinical trial results
  • patient selection and screening
  • procedure steps for TAVR with Venus A-Valve
  • experience in bicuspid aortic Valve and higher degrees of aortic valve calcification
  • Venus A-Valve case sharing and discussion