Workshop for Consensus Statement on LAA and PFO in Japan
The workshop will start with 1h hour discussion during CSI Focus LAA & PFO Congress opening session on April 27 at 5pm. All interested participants can join and sign up for the following sessions which will be held online after the conference.
The consensus statement discussion will be led by Dr. Edip Gurol and it will bring together expert faculty in stroke prevention from different disciplines (cardiology, LAAC and PFO closure device implanters, stroke neurologists, internists, vascular surgeons) as well as clinical practitioners from these and other specialties and industry. Updates in detection of atrial fibrillation, shortcomings of the current medication-only approaches to stroke prevention, the indications/benefits of LAAC as well as potential complications and their management will be discussed. Similar issues will also be addressed as they pertain to PFO detection and closure. All participants including academics and industry partners will contribute to the discussions which will also include future research/implementation work needed, especially as it pertains to clinical practice in Japan.
All participants who contribute to the discussions will have the opportunity to be acknowledged in the article(s). These articles will provide important contributions to the clinical practice in AF detection/treatment and PFO management. They will increase the visibility of the device-based approaches and they will lay the groundwork for better collaboration between implanters and referring specialties.
This workshop is part of CSI Focus LAA & PFO 2024, the brain & heart team approach to stroke prevention, which will take place April 27-28, 2024 in Tokyo, Japan, organized in collaboration with the Structure Club Japan.